Christmas confusion
Consequences of Christmas stress on autists.
It’s no surprise that holidays are overwhelming for autists.
Living in a non-Christian country as a Christian, Christmas takes the form of Confusion to me: I feel out of place, I can’t get organized, I get depressed, homesick…
These are also the shortest days of the year with sunset at 4:30pm.
I always feel like running out of time.
Night is not made for work, biologically.
Self-care is a struggle too, like having an haircut still, I want to look tidy.
I like social. Even my wife is social: it’s not that looks don’t count anymore after marriage, lack of physical attraction is a guaranteed recipe for extra-marital affairs.
Self-care comes at a price: speaking from a man perspective, think the amount of time that shaving and showering takes daily!
Nowadays men spend as much as women in self-care.
We live in an image society, unfortunately.
Good looking people are more likely to be hired than more skilled ugly counterparts.
Sadly, people with mental disorders don’t fare very well in personal hygiene.
Anyway, this is not an article on aesthetics.
I debated the theme since a big means of communication is our body, the so-called ‘body language’.
Can you relate?
What’s your idea of confusion?