Full-time autistic solo travelers
Exploring the many facets of Novelty and Rewiring.
People change from time to time.
Could Rewiring be time-sensitive?
In order to elaborate Rewiring, we can’t omit Attachment and Leaving.
Autists get easily attached to things because they become part of routine.
By relocating overseas, we can’t pack everything in our luggage.
Shipping is the only option although costs far exceed the real value of goods.
The action of choice is taking the essential while put on auction extra stuff.
Once relocated, it is much cheaper buying brand new furniture.
Good news for most neurotypicals always on the outlook for the latest inventory.
Not so much for change-reluctant autists however, I have no alternatives.
I try to concentrate on the most appealing opportunity to go home.
I am coming to the conclusion that working on Adaptation is the best way of self-Rewiring.
Unless it’s the same process.
Now as promised before, I ’ll examine the connection between traveling full-time and escaping.
Escape is the last stage of depression. The implications are very unpredictable, a way of gambling with life.
Escape is used, if not synonym, for desperation.
Mental health professionals don’t stand the chance with escapism.
Psychologists describe this vicious circle as “feeling trapped “, the last stage of suicide.
We are our best doctors, after all…
I feel trapped in Japan since the advent of Covid.
This day marks 4 years from the last time I visited my country.
I m reaching rock-bottom.
I always wait for the best circumstances to make a move, an outdated line of thought, the future is no longer predictable in this relentless Artificial Intelligence day and age.
Every day is a new beginning.
The new philosophy is ‘living to the day’.
Success is happening to be in the right place at the right time.
In other words, gambling with life.
That would be the rational thinking behind the autistic full-time traveler.
The bothersome commonality which I have found in these persons is the hatred for their place of origin.
This scores high enough for Escapism.
Escape always comes down to an end.
I love traveling with the security of a base, though I would never go to a blind date.