Brain rewiring

Irrational, obsessive, repetitive rituals are exhausting in order to release anxiety.

Common symptoms of Neuronal dysfunction. 

Rewiring is a term used by Mental Health professionals to describe neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to adapt to new environments.

OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder- is a common feature of autism.

OCD is not an illness in itself but a symptom, specifically an obsession.
It never manifests individually yet hatches to underlying conditions by exacerbating them.
The sufferer is fully aware of their surroundings but unable to control their compulsions, i.e. they know that the door is locked, though they can’t refrain from repeatedly checking.

Rewiring the brain is not easy task.
Most often, sufferers have no options other than facing the challenge forcibly.
My case is very descriptive: I crave to go home despite the fear of change.

Antidepressants help to a varying degree.
Stimulants work better with underlying ADHD.

However, OCD is still treated off-label.